April 7, 2013

The Power of Words, Thoughts, and Yes -- Even Prayer

Does what you say to yourself and others have an effect on your psyche and your well-being?   Does it effect your self esteem and confidence?  Does it cause damage if you speak badly?

I think it does.  Dr. Masaru Emoto provided evidence that it does.

I have been using Dr. Emoto's work in my "Building Confidence and Self Esteem" workshop and coaching for many years. His work, through photographs of flash-frozen water, shows what happens when we speak or think kindly or unkindly to ourselves and others. It shows the power of kindness, gratitude, love and prayer on us, and the destructive effects of bad thoughts and bad words on us.  I am diving back into this research, because I am going to give this workshop again this year, in Miami and Athens.   This is the introduction to Dr. Masaru Emoto's work, and this video will change your thinking, and maybe the way you live.  Stay tuned for my rice experiment, which I a starting today.

Watch the video on the effect of your thoughts and words

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